Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Flyting is a contest consisting of the exchange of insults, often conducted in verse, between two parties.

I have two younger sisters, Janelle is 2 years younger and Jamie is 9 years younger.  Janelle and I definately did our fair share of flyting back in the day but now we tend to focus our energy on our youngest sister.  Jamie has mastered the art of flyting and can throw insults at anyone, about anything.  She constantly reminds me that I am a midget (she recently just passed me in height) and also likes to inform me that she hates me - in return, I tell her that "I love her too."  Because I am the oldest, I have learned the hard way that I have to "set a good example" for my younger sisters. Blah blah blah.

 Although the rath of my dad is not something I look forward too, sometimes I just can't help myself.  The most memorable form of flyting between me and my sisters happened a couple years ago.  Jamie, as usual, was being a "spoiled little brat," and Janelle and I felt it our duty to inform her of that.  (Background: Jamie has pretty bad asthma and has struggled with it since she was very little.  She sometimes gets pretty raspy and weesy when the air quality is bad) I can't remember the exact details but for whatever reason Jamie was getting on our nerves (nothing new there).  We started joking around with her and calling her a variety of different names when suddenly I had the best name for Jamie -- J-WEEZY!! Janelle and I had a moment of BRILLIANCE.  We could not stop laughing at the clever name we just thought of and kept repeating it over and over again - and for once, Jamie didn't have anything to say back (so not exactly flyting but, it works)  "J-Weezy, J-Weezy!" Yo, J-Weezy, what's up!?" Jamie, of course, didn't find it as funny as we did and ran off to inform our parents of her new nickname.

Our brilliant moment passed in minutes after we heard our dad yelling and directing us to his office "NOW!"  Whoops :-)